Order the shipping case the Pros use! Now in a variety of over 114 different shipping case sizes and many different custom case configurations. Empty, foam filled or foam lined; These rugged-duty Parker Hard Cases are constructed of high density polyethylene to provide a safe, economical way to ship valuable electronic devices, personal computers and peripherals, cameras, and other sensitive equipment. We can provide you with custom transit cases for deployed systems and field service kits made to your spec's - we can provide foam design, drawings and prototypes. Registered at CCR/ORCA/SAM.gov
Buying more than 1 qty? Call us for Lowest prices available anywhere.
See helpfull Factory Size & Weight Links below also.
These rugged Silver HMWPE Transport Cases withstand temperature variations of -180 degrees F to 180 degrees F., is resistant to solvents, and will not blister or peel. We make custom cases for test equipment!
- Trade Show cases
- Expo / Show cases
- SC Shipping Cases
- SC Case-no foam
- SC Case-foam lined
- SC Case-foam filled
- SW Case w/Wheels
- SW Case-no foam
- SW Case-wheels/lined
- SW Case-wheels/filled
- DX "Tote" Case
- DX Case-no foam
- DX Case-foam lined
- DX Case-foam filled
- TSW Wheeled Case
- TSW Case-no foam
- TSW Case-foam lined
- TSW Case-foam filled
- TSWT Case-no foam
- Take-Off Lid Cases
- SW Take-Off Lid-empty
- SW Take-Off Lid-lined
- SW Take-Off Lid-filled
- SC Take-Off Lid-empty
- SC Take-Off Lid-lined
- SC Take-Off Lid-filled
- RR Series Cases
- RR cases-No Foam
- RR cases-Lined w Foam
- RR cases-Filled w Foam
- XHDT Cases
- XHDT No Foam
- Case Hardware
- Replacement Hardware
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