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SC3518-20T Transit case - Empty

Price: $459.55

Interior Dimensions: 35 1/8" x 18" x 20" - 10" base / 10" lid - 30 lbs.

Take off lid - These rugged-duty containers are constructed of high density polyethylene to provide a safe, economical way to ship valuable electronic devices, personal computers and peripherals, cameras, video equipment and other sensitive equipment.

Product ID SC3518-20T
Manufacturer Parker Plastics
Date Added

Interior Dimensions: 35 1/8" x 18" x 20" - 10" base / 10" lid - 30lbs.

Take off lid - These rugged-duty containers are constructed of high density polyethylene to provide a safe, economical way to ship valuable electronic devices, personal computers and peripherals, cameras, video equipment and other sensitive equipment.

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